Here's an interesting April Fool joke from Wired. The discovery of an alternative universe that celebrates April Fools day on the 3rd (which is of course the date of the posting).
The alternative universe has lots of other characteristics which address issues such as "global warming" (taking it seriously) and "science vs religion" (focus on social justice instead) which presumably is the Wired world view. This takes the edge off the joke a little for me but caused me to wonder what an alternative universe based on the Bible's "Kingdom of God" would be.
Then I remembered the C.S Lewis novel Out of the Silent Planet.
The central character (Ransom) finds himself on a planet (Malacandra) that has not fallen and amongst creatures that are living as God intends them to. This allows Mr Lewis to explore the nature of the Kingdom of God via some very interesting debates between Ransom and some of the creatures about the clear differences between life on Malacandra and the Silent Planet (Earth of course). Must read it again.
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